If there is one positive thing we can get out of the situation we are currently experiencing, it is the great gestures of solidarity that are being born in society. ONGs, entities and individuals are “shoulder-but not-ending” in this unprecedented context to help each other and fight the virus together.

The great global social mobilization is bringing out the best part of people and has given rise to large movements such as #ELGRANRETOSOLIDARIO.

Organized by the Emergency Committee, consisting of organizations such as Action Against Hunger, Oxfam, Doctors of the World, Plan Internacional and Worldvision, #ELGRANRETOSOLIDARIO is an initiative that seeks to legitimize a strong call to Spanish society to address the crisis both in Spain and in the most vulnerable countries.

This movement will be orchestrated in RRSS AND media through the streaming of a digital gala in which funds will be raised for NGNs in order to fight the disease and its consequences.

The grand gala of #ELGRANRETOSOLIDARIO will air next Saturday, May 2 from 17:00h streaming through its own social media profiles (Youtube, Facebook and Twitter) and will feature the performance of 6 top-notch musical artists, 6 shows of great humor figures and the participation of +20 influencers and celebrities.

From @DelaviudaConfectioneryGroup we encourage you to contribute your “grain of sand” by supporting and giving voice to this great initiative. Are you going to miss it?